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The London Clarets

AGM News, 2002

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London Clarets back Wimbledon supporters

Our 2002 AGM was attended by two members of the Wimbledon Independent Supporters Association (WISA). They spoke eloquently and with passion about the theft and murder through franchising of their football club, and they found a receptive audience. It was heartening to see the obvious sympathy that London Clarets members had for their plight. Clearly, not all Burnley supporters think that this is 'nothing to do with us'.

After a short debate, WISA's motion was overwhelmingly passed by our members. The motion in full is reproduced below, but the key point to note is that the London Clarets have voted to support a boycott of our away game against Wimbledon FC Ltd.

In accordance with the motion, the Burnley FC London Supporters' Club will therefore be calling on its members to stay away from our away game against Franchise FC, wherever it may take place.

Clearly, we can't tell anyone what to do. We acknowledge that this will be a difficult decision, and it will be particularly difficult for people who live down here. As a supporters' club which exists more than anything to help Burnley supporters living in the south east get to Burnley games, this is not a decision that our members present at the AGM took lightly. But WISA members are football supporters like us, and their plight today is potentially ours tomorrow. We ask that people think carefully about who they will be giving their money to if they do choose to go to this game, and whether they want franchising to succeed or fail. If you want franchising to fail, then one way you can fight it is to hit the franchisers in the pocket.

We're all aware that this is the last game of the season, and so potentially significant for us. If it is, it is likely that some sort of compromise will be worked out so that Clarets supporters could stage a protest and go to the game with the Wimbledon supporters' blessing.

The motion also commits the London Clarets to supporting Wimbledon fans in various other ways, and we will be following up on these in the coming weeks.

The motion passed is as follows:

"This Association condemns the decision of the Football Association Commission to support the effective destruction of Wimbledon Football Club by allowing the move to Milton Keynes.

This Association resolves to:

Support a boycott of all away games involving the current Wimbledon FC Ltd whether these be at Milton Keynes or Selhurst Park or any other venue until such time as the plans are withdrawn.

To publicise the reasons for the boycott amongst all fans of the Club via fanzines and other publications.

To take action at home games against Wimbledon FC to demonstrate our opposition to football franchising.

To call upon the Football Association and the Football League to fight this decision in any way possible.

To call upon the owners of their Club to support an EGM to oppose the move and to consider options for continuing to fight it.

To offer support to Wimbledon fans in their continued attempts to oppose the move.

To notify and call upon other supporters' groups to support this campaign.

To send a letter of support to WISA for their campaign.

To issue a press release confirming this organisation's opposition to football franchising and support for WISA's campaign."

July 2002

The London Clarets

The Burnley FC London Supporters' Club